1. What is Homeopathy ??

There are many ways to answer this question. Fundamentally, Homeopathy is a very unique healing science that stimulates the body's core vitality to rid itself of illness and promote healing and wellness. In a more formal sense, it is a medical system based on a specific set of principles regarding health, illness, cure and pharmacology. It addresses the causes of acute or chronic disease through the use of highly diluted and energized substances specifically chosen to match the individual state of the person and stimulate an inner vitality.

2. How do Homoeopathic remedies work ??

Many symptoms patients experience are result of one under lying cause. For example, pain, swelling, redness could be results of an infection or by some irritation. Homoeopathic stimulates the body's own healing power, unlike other systems which interfere in body's process of healing to remove the underlying cause. Examples: Pain killers simply stop the message transmission to brain without removing the real cause which is generating the pain. Cough suppressants stop expulsion of phlegm (which gets accumulated in lungs makes more potential environment for bacteria to grow), Homoeopathic remedies completely cure the underlying cause without any side effects whatsoever.

3. How fast Homoeopathic remedies can act ??

Homoeopathic remedies start working immediately after it is taken by the patient. Often, people suffering from headache find relief within minutes. It may take a while to get complete cure depending on the condition or immune system of an individual. Most individuals with acute conditions like fever and cold find relief in one or two days. In chronic conditions, people start feeling better in few days. As chronic conditions develop over a period of time ( asthma, arthritis, diabetes ), and the cure should be brought by reversing the pathological changes, it may take longer time in certain cases.In case of arthritis, many people get tremendous relief within a couple of weeks.

4. How does it differ from naturopathy, acupuncture and other herbal medicine ??

While Homeopathy and these healing arts are similar in that they do not employ drugs or other conventional medical procedures, each one is also quite distinctive. Naturopathy is a broad term encompassing a host of natural healing arts ranging from nutrition to water cures. Acupuncture is one branch of Oriental Medicine that stimulates and balances the body's energy. Herbal medicine, also known as "Botanical Medicine", uses material doses of plant substances for treatment. Homeopathy is a natural healing science and art. It does not originate in the Orient, nor does it use material doses of substances.

5. What happens during a Homoeopathic consultation ??

Essentially your homeopath will listen deeply to you - listening to understand many different aspects of your personality and state of health. Facts of disease, descriptions of pains, emotional reactions, dreams and physical sensations are all relevant, as well as how you move your body and how you react to stress. Your homeopath may ask you to repeat yourself many times in order to understand what you say on different levels. It is important to express yourself honestly. The better your homeopath understands your nature, the easier it will be to find the best remedy for you.

6. How frequently is it appropriate to have consultations ??

For the first 6 months to year it is best to see the homeopath every 4-6 weeks in most cases. However , this may differ in any particular instance.

7. What are the various sources of Homoeopathic remedies ??

Homoeopathic remedies are prepared from vegetables, minerals, chemicals, animal products and various nosodes.
Vegetables: Allium cepa (onion), Asparagus.
Animal Products: Lac Cal, Spongia.
Minerals: Natrum mur (common salt), Ferrum met (iron), Kali sulph.
Chemicals: Ars alb, Calcaria carb.
Nosodes: Syphilinum, Medorrhinum

8. What kind of conditions or diseases can be treated with Homoeopathic medicines ??

Homeopathy is applicable to a broad range of maladies including acute inflammations, systemic imbalances, chronic degenerative diseases and mental/emotional disturbances. By its very nature, Homoeopathic treatment is not specific to a particular illness, but is directed at the underlying state of the person suffering from that illness. By addressing this state, the appropriately chosen remedy effectively addresses the illness.

9. Why should Homeopathy be first choice for treatment ??

Homeopathy should be first choice for health care because it acts quickly without causing any side effects. The Homoeopathic system which is proved on human beings is very effective in both acute and chronic conditions. It healsthe problem from the root and establishes harmony in health. Besides healing the person, it improves the general resistance and avoids frequent visits to physicians for different problems. Homoeopathic pills are sweet and every one especially kids love to eat. Homoeopathic treatment can be started depending on signs and symptom without waiting for the diagnosing test results there by avoiding the deterioration of health and preventing further complications. Homoeopathic remedies offer long lasting health solutions.

10. What are harmful side effects from taking a Homoeopathic remedy ??

By extreme dilution and Homoeopathic potentization, curative properties are enhanced and poisonous and undesirable without side effects ameliorated.

11. Why Homeopathy is best for psychosomatic problems ??

The disorders that have a physiological condition but are originated in the emotional state of an individual are termed psychosomatic ( Psyche means mind, Soma means body ). The psychosomatic conditons are also referred as psycho-physiologic disorders. This term applies to a large number of disorders of organs innervated by the autonomic nervous system in which emotional factors are primary contributing factor. The nervous system regulates and coordinates body's activities and brings proper responses by which the body adjusts to changes of either external environment or internal environment. The autonomic nervous system which controls body functions involuntarily divides in to sympathetic and parasympathetic system. Conditions like anxiety, fear stimulate sympathetic nerve fibers and produces vasoconstriction in the part supplied like general rise in blood pressure,acceleration of the heart rate, depression of gastrointestinal activity. Some effects of parasympathetic stimulation are constriction of bronchioles like in asthma, contraction of smooth muscles of alimentary canal (produce griping pain in stomach), slowing of heart rate, and increased secretion by gland like salivary, gastric glands. Repeated episodes of these anxiety conditions produce disorders in those organs. Symptoms can be healed smoothly without side effects by addressing mental anxiety and physical problem together. Homeopathy remedies act at the level of mind and body together to eradicate the problem as a whole. Examples of psychosomatic disorders: Migraine, asthma, acidity, peptic ulcer, allergy. Most of the times, some of the following mental conditions are the cause for these problems: such as excessive anxiety, irritability, insecurity, obsessive traits, undue jealousy, suspicion ( paranoid fears ), depression, neurosis etc... By relieving these emotions, Homoeopathic remedies bring harmonious state of health. Homeopathy is for the person as a whole, not for disease.

12. Are there any antibiotics in Homeopathy ??

Biotic ( living ) means science that deals with functions of life. Antibiotic means destructive to life. Bacteria affects only few people though lot of people get exposed to them, as you will talk to few known people when you attend a party with hundreds of people. Antibodies produced by our immune system kill the bacteria when it enters in the body of healthy people. Antibody is a protein developed in response to a specific antigen (foreign substance which may produce disease). Antibody controls antigen from producing a disease. That means our body develops suitable antibody to each bacteria,each virus and each allergic substance. That is how, our health is maintained, though we are exposed to billions of bacteria every day. Health problems arise whenever our immune system becomes weak i.e when human body is not able to produce sufficient antibodies in response to allergens as in immunocompromised patients. Homoeopathic remedies eliminate the need of antibiotics by strengthening the Immune system. Homoeopathic remedies works effectively for the symptoms in following conditions to brings rapid recovery without side effects: e.g. sinusitis, tonsillitis, urinary infection, ear infection, bronchitis, meningitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, gastro-enteritis (vomiting-diarrhea), dysentery, etc.. . Homeopaths give individually selected remedies to each individual with similar problem. There is no single Homoeopathic remedy got out dated in two hundred years unlike many anti-biotics.

13. Can Homoeopathic remedies be taken along with conventional medications ??

Yes. Many patients who seek Homoeopathic care are already taking conventional medication with the goal of reducing or eliminating the medication. With the proper remedy and treatment plan, this is often possible.

14. Does Homeopathy work on viral infection ??

Yes. Homeopathy is good option for problems caused by virus as they strengthen immune system. Homoeopathic remedies give good relief from symptoms of common cold, flu, measles, chickenpox, viral hepatitis (jaundice), viral meningitis...

15. What is Constitutional Homoeopathic treatment ??

Constitutional prescription is a system of prescribing remedies based on a deep understanding of the individual's basic energetic state. When his / her basic energy imbalance is corrected, troublesome symptoms will fall away. Constitutional prescription is a challenging discipline.

16. Is there any cure for allergic conditions ??

Yes of course. Allergy is an acquired hyper sensitivity to a substance (allergen) that may not normally cause a reaction. It is essentially a disorder of immune system resulting in antibody-antigen reaction. But, in some cases there may be a genetic predisposition to acquire a particular type of allergy, where we can't find any antibody.
Allergic conditions include:Eczema, allergic rhinitis or coryza, hay fever, bronchial asthma Symptoms like eosinophilia, nasal congestion, tearing, sneezing, wheezing, coughing, itching rash, eruptions
Etiology: pollen, dust, hair, fur, feathers, wool, chemicals, drugs, insect bites and specific foods such as eggs, chocolate, milk, wheat, tomatoes, citrus fruits, oat-meal, potatoes.
21th century syndrome: They develop symptoms like allergic to every thing in the environment. This is most probably due to acute or chronic emotional stress. The individuals may isolate themselves from environmental materials. Allergic conditions could be genetic or might have been developed later on due to a specific cause. Homeopathy improves multiple symptoms of allergic condition with a single remedy.

17. How long does it take for Homoeopathic medicine to work ??

Homeopathy can work in seconds or it can take years. It all depends on the circumstances and how one defines " work. " Generally speaking, a really good constitutional remedy will begin to alleviate symptoms fairly quickly, sometimes within days, and then continue to have a positive effect over months and years. The severity and history of the problems will usually determine the length of time needed for true cure to happen. For example, a chronic pathology such as lifelong asthma will take more time to heal than an acute case of poison ivy.

18. How can it help in surgical disorders ??

Homeopathy address the cause of the problem. It also reduces the reoccurrence of the problem by removing the nature to develop that condition like piles, fissures, fistula, appendicitis (except gangrenous), chronic ear discharge, vocal cord nodules, polyp in nose-ear, kidney and gall bladder stones, small size uterine fibroid, ovarian cysts, warts, corns etcProblems often reappear as described below:
After surgery they appear in the same place, e.g.: recurrent kidney stones after repeated surgeries. After surgery they develop in different location e.g.: caries tooth. Infection of another teeth after removal of badly infected teeth in same side or opposite side. This chain may end up the individual with artificial dentures. Piles are nothing but swollen pyloric veins. The real problem may be pressure on veins from constipation, congested liver or heart problem. Until the root cause is removed, they appear again and again even after they are operated. Homoeopathic remedies give strength to muscles and ligaments to hold uterus in proper place save the uterus from removal in case of uterine prolepses. The pathological changes are nothing but end products of disease. Just removal is not the solution for many conditions. Homeopathy remedies some time helps to avoid surgery, they also remove the tendency to develop the problem again.

19. Are there any situations or reasons pointing not to use Homoeopathic medicines ??

Yes. Although Homeopathy can possibly be of benefit for the treatment in most of the conditions, a positive outcome is based on working with a competent homeopath and a willingness to commit to a mutually acceptable treatment plan. If you are unable to do this, it is not the time to take Homoeopathic treatment.

20. Why to individualize a person in Homeopathy ??

Individualization means individualize each person with similar problems. It's not uncommon to see the doctors not paying any attention to individual's narration of symptoms except worrying about the test results. The whole person is a united system of multiple organs which interact with each other. The trouble in one place reflects in many organs. Homeopaths find single remedy that is suitable for all the symptoms to avoid many drugs for multiple symptoms. So there is no chance of interaction between remedies as only single remedy will be used in Homeopathy. No need to run from one specialist to other specialist. Medicinal side effects results in so many complications, If treated each symptom separately. Briefly homeopaths individualize a case to find single remedy which covers all the symptoms and heals as fast as it can be without side effects. Some examples in individualizing are follows:
Take two cases of hay fever, one having headache with fever, other having runny nose with itchy eyes.
Take two people suffering from asthma, one may get his attack in winter, other in summer.
One individual suffering from diabetes may loves sweets, other may hate them.
With fever some people have heat all over the body, for some people, only head is hot and other parts cold.
In menorrhagia, one has bleeding only in day time, other have only in night.
some people suffer more in the morning , for others night is worse.
All these differences in signs and symptoms show underlying pathology and cause. Just by observing this we can know lot about the individual's condition without diagnostic tests. If bacteria is the only cause for disease why similar streptococcus bacteria effects different organs in each person like throat, heart, joints resulting in strep throat, rheumatic heart disease, rheumatic arthritis. These symptoms show the weak points of body and underlying pathology. This shows the individuality of the people. When body is crying out clearly in the form of signs and symptoms, why to neglect them and pay more attention to just test results? Homoeopathic remedies establish the harmony in the system and makes the person healthier contrary to the other systems.

21. Should I change my diet ??

Different homeopaths may advise differently on this issue. Diet is not strictly speaking an issue in Homeopathy. There is an understanding that the right remedy will facilitate more appropriate food choices. When one is healthy, the body more naturally is able to extract the nutrients it needs to function optimally. Eating sensibly, that is consuming appropriate quantities of properly balanced natural ingredients , is always a good idea. Your homeopath can help guide you in this area if you request.

22. Does Homeopathy work for infants and children ??

Homoeopathic remedies are safe and very effective for children. As Homoeopathic remedies strengthen the resistance, it is very wise to start Homeopathy as early as possible and let them grow healthily from the beginning. It lessens or removes the need for eye glasses, dentures etc... Homeopathy is also effective in behavioral problems and temperament seen commonly in children like irritability, obstinacy, temper-tantrums, fears, phobias, thumb-sucking, nail biting, destructiveness, bed-wetting; as well as mentally and physically backward children. Most of the children's ailments like cold, cough, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, dysentery, colic, tonsillitis, bronchitis, asthma, chicken pox, mumps can be addressed very effectively with Homoeopathic remedies without any side effects. Homeopathy removes allergic tendencies in kids to most food items. Single remedy for multiple symptoms in very minimal dose is offered in Homeopathy. Homoeopathic remedies are loved by kids because as the pills are sweet.

23. Is it ok for children, pregnant women, elderly people or animals to take Homoeopathic remedies ??

Absolutely fine. Homeopathy is a wonderful, gentle healing modality appropriate for people of all ages and conditions. It also is extensively used to treat animals.

24. Can Homeopathy Help During Pregnancy and Labor ??

Homeopathy can be useful in menstrual difficulties, feminine problems, fertility problems, pregnancy, labor, and after delivery to help mother and child. Each individual case can be assessed to find specific symptoms, weaknesses and individualize the case.

25. Can Homeopathy Offer Support For The Enlarged Prostate Gland ??

Half of all men over 40 begin to suffer prostate problems. Homeopathy can help with the discomforts of difficult urination, burning, loss in pressure in flow, frequency of urination etc. Homeopathy can support the healthy functioning of the male system.

26. My child just ate an entire bottle of tablets, what do I do ??

Do not panic. Homoeopathic medicines are very safe, non-toxic and have a very large margin of safety. It is unlikely your child could overdose on any Homoeopathic medicine. You can call our 24 hour emergency number at + 91-98124 55535 or + 91-980 247 0004


The information provided is for educational purposes only and may not fit in each and every case as such. It is not meant to diagnose or treat any health condition and is definately not a replacement for treatment by a professional healthcare provider. More..

28. Contact us :

If you have other questions or concerns about Homoeopathic system of medicines, please write to Dr.Singla's office at
Satakshi Homeo Care Clinics
S.C.F. 45, Sector 13
Kurukshetra - 136118
Haryana (INDIA)
Tel: + 91-1744-222123
M : + 91-98124 55535
+ 91-98024 70004
E-mail : support@dranoopsingla.com

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