My son Rishabh was having urticarial rashes all over the body with lot of itching since 6 months. Here at Dr Singla's Homeopathy after complete examination and case study he was given few medicines and with in 3 weaks all erupsions were gone. Thanks to Dr Anoop Singla and Satakshi Homoeopathy.
Vishal, Kaithal
I had warts aroun my nose and on chin for which my friends advised me get them removed from skin doctor. But I preffered to take Homoeopathic treatment from Dr. Singla of Satakshi Homeo Clinic. During 2nd week of treatment warts dried up and went away in 4th week without leaving any scar. My sincere thanks to Dr Singla's Homeopathy.
Surinder, Ambala
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