The User shall not under any circumstances whatsoever use the Website to send or post any messages or any material that is defamatory, unlawful, abusive, harassing, indecent, harmful, threatening, vulgar, obscene, sexually orientated, racially offensive, profane, pornographic or violates any applicable law. The User understands that the Website may not be accessible or access may be interrupted due to technical difficulty or otherwise. 'Satakshi Homeo Care Clinics' is not and shall not be responsible for any delay/ failure by the User to access the Website and/or any error/ omissions owing to such delay/ failure. The User warrants and represents to 'Satakshi Homeo Care Clinics' that the User is legally entitled to access the Website and avail of the services available. The User is not a minor and is competent to contract and/ or agree and understand the terms of these Terms of Service, Disclaimer and Privacy Policy. The User expressly agrees and permits 'Satakshi Homeo Care Clinics' to contact him/her via the contact number / E-mail addresses provided, from time to time for promotions, feedback, surveys that may be carried out by 'Satakshi Homeo Care Clinics'. The User has voluntarily chosen homeopathic medical treatment. The User is aware of and understands the negative&positive side effects, expectation of improvement in health and the period of reasonable treatment. 'Satakshi Homeo Care Clinics' to confirm if the Users would be required to agree to the contents of the consent form. If yes, then the consent form used at the clinic should be provided on a separate link. 'Satakshi Homeo Care Clinics' may in its sole discretion be entitled to block / deny access to any person under any circumstances whatsoever, without giving any prior notice. ndly if confirm the above clause is in accordance with the model adopted by 'Satakshi Homeo Care Clinics'. Further, kindly let us know if 'Satakshi Homeo Care Clinics' has a standard set of terms which the users have to consent when ordering medicines online.