1. Skin Trauma
2. Stress : 8 out of every 10 patients have a recent emotional stress behind Psoriasis flare up.
3. Streptococcal and Staphylocaccal Infections like tonsillitis, Bronchitis or even simple Cold (Guttate Psoriasis)
4. Medicines : Anti-Hypertensive Medicines (Beta Blockers), Anti-Malarial drugs (Choloro Quninine), Anti-Psychiatric drugs and Anti-Inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen).
5. Alcohol and Smoking
6. Withdrawl of Corticosteroids (Erythrodermic psoriasis)
7. Excessive Sweating and rubbing (Inverse Psoriasis)
8. Dry and Cold Weather Winter Aggravation
9. Allergies
Note : Anything that can affect the immune system can affect psoriasis.